Lesson 37
Courses / HackerRank SQL Problem Solving Solution Challenges
Top Earners | SQL Aggregation | HackerRank Solution

Video Transcript

Hey everybody, I will do top earners from the aggregation section of SQL from Hacker Rank. So we're giving this table employee that has the Collins employee ID name, months and salary and we're asked to query the maximum total earnings for all employees as well as the total number of employees who have maximum total earnings. So we're going to be interested in the Collins months and salary. We're going to multiply them together to get the total earning. And then we have to find out which one is the highest and then we have to count how many people has that highest value. Let's do my SQL and I'll start off with select star from employee. And I want to see what it did. It looks like first I'll click run code. So here you are. We have this number of months and we have the salary. So we're going to take these two and multiply and let's find out what values we get for each employee. So let's go here and say salary times months and let's run code and see what we get. So as you can see, you got all these values. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to order them by salary times months, which is pretty much the same thing that I wrote here. I write it here, but I want to order this descending so that the very first row is the highest value. Let's see what we get. So as you can see, you got all these values and the highest ones are at the top. As you can see, there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven people with the same maximum total earnings. But how can we group these together so we had a count of these people? We can use the group by and we have to count by the number of people who have the same total earnings. So go here. In addition to the salary times months, we're going to say count of salary times months. Pretty much the same thing that you typed here. You type it here so we can count how many people has that same value. And we get that as the second column. Now let's go after from employee group by salary times months. So the same thing here is what I typed for the first column here. If you want to not repeat yourself, you could create an alias for this thing and use it here. But I'll keep it simple. Just use without an alias. So let's see what we get. So as you can see it groups every maximum earnings and the number of employees that have that. That's precisely the answer we want except we only want the very first line, the very first row. And to limit that we can use limit one at the end here. So limit one to make sure we just take the very first row and all the subsequent rows are discarded. And there you go.
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