Intro to RSpec and Test-Driven Development
RSpec has become a popular choice as a testing framework for Ruby. Let us learn how to make unit tests and use a test-driven development approach to implement a program to calculate the factorial of a number.
Basic File I/O in Ruby
This article will cover how to read from a file and how to write to a file using Ruby's File class.
The For Loop
When you need to perform repeated actions, over and over again, making a programming loop is often the preferred approach. This article will consider the traditional "for" loop, the one derived from the C programming language.
The While and Do-While Loops
Doing repetitive tasks can be accomplished with a programming loop. This article will cover the while and do-while loops. They appear in many different programming languages and often follow the same construct.
The If Statement
The if statement is used to control the flow of a program. It allows you to determine where to go when you hit an "intersection" in a program.
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