Lesson 24
Courses / HackerRank SQL Problem Solving Solution Challenges
Select All | SQL Basic Select | HackerRank Solution


Lesson Summary: SQL - Select All

In this lesson, we explored how to execute a basic SQL query using HackerRank.


We were given a table named city with the following columns:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Country Code
  • District
  • Population


We were instructed to query all columns from the city table. The SQL command used for this task was:



After running the query, we were able to view all rows and their associated information about cities from around the world.

This concludes the lesson on using the SELECT ALL statement in SQL.

Video Transcript

Hey everybody, welcome to another lesson. I will do select all from the basic select subsection of the SQL section in HackerRank. So we're given this stable city with the columns ID name, country code, district and population. We're asked to query all columns, that is select star, from every row in city table. So pretty much that's it. Select star from city. Semicolon and submit the code. As you can see you got all the list of rows with information about cities from around the world. And that's select all.
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