Lesson 02
Courses / Quick Start Introduction to Sails
Installing Sails and Generating a Project

Video Transcript

In this lecture we are going to learn how to install sales and how to generate a project. First let's open up the terminal. So before install sales we have to make sure we have node install. Alright. I am using node version 6.11 with npm3. Once you get that you can just say npm install dash g for global install sales. So the sales command will allow us to generate a project. So it's going to take a little bit to install. So we are installing sales version 0.12. This course is about sales version 0.12. If you want to learn more about sales you can always go to its website and take a look. Have very good documentation there. If you are on github they also have their repository here. github.com slash boulder dash slash sales. Another dash is one of the creators of sales. And sales is also npm module the one that we are installing right now. In this course version 0.12.14. You might get these warnings but it's okay. Alright so almost there. Okay we got sales installed. Globally now what we have to do is call on that command sales okay. And then new and the name of your project. So let's call this project sales like quick start sales dash quick start. That's the project name right here. So sales is going to generate the app. You may ignore this thing too. So sales is going to create a project directory with the same name as the project that he specified. This case sales dash quick start. Alright we got it. So it creates a new sales app called sales quick start. If I list the files in my directory I have this directory here. Let's cd to it sales quick start. And here's the generated project. So that's it for this lecture. Next lecture we're going to go through those files and have an overview of the application structure for a sales app. Until then.
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