Introduction to JavaScript (Opening the Browser Console)
You can get started learning JavaScript in your favorite browser. For example: Brave, Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Vivaldi. Pick one browser and open it.
The next thing you have to do is open the "DevTools", short for Developer Tools. On most browsers you can simply press the function key F12 and it will bring it up for you. Other ways to open the browser developer tools is right-clicking anywhere on a page and choosing to Inspect.
On Firefox for Windows, for example, you can click the hamburger icon (the three stacked lines) on the top-right corner. Then, choose More Tools, then choose Web Developer Tools.
On (Chromium-based) Edge, click the three-dots icon on the top-right corner, choose More Tools, then Developer tools.
Safari on macOS will require you go to the Advanced tab in the Preferences window and require you mark as checked "Show Develop menu in menu bar"
Welcome to the NBK Tech World course on JavaScript for complete beginners. In this course, we will start programming in JavaScript from the very basics.
Key Points
Target Audience: The course is designed for complete beginners. If you already have knowledge of JavaScript, it may be too slow for you, and you can choose to skip sections.
A computer
A web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Edge)
Importance of the Browser
We need a web browser because it includes a JavaScript console, which is essential for executing JavaScript commands.
How to Open the Web Console
For Mac users:
Navigate to Tools → Web Developer → Web Console
Hotkey: Option + Command + K
For Mac users:
Navigate to View → Developer → JavaScript Console
Hotkey: Command + Option + J
Note: Safari does not show the console by default.
Navigate to Safari Menu → Preferences → Advanced
Check the option for Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar
Once enabled, navigate to Develop → Show JavaScript Console
Hotkey: Command + Option + C
We have now covered how to open the browser console, marking our first step into learning JavaScript. In the next video, we will explore our first JavaScript statement.
See you then!
Video Transcript
Hi everyone, welcome to NBK Tech World. This course will be about JavaScript for
complete beginners. We're gonna go from the start, we're gonna jump right into it,
into how to start programming in JavaScript. If you already know some
JavaScript, this course might be too slow for you. Well if you want to stick
around and have a look to see how it goes, feel free to do so. If you feel like
it goes too slow for you, I recommend that you skip it. Alright? So to start off,
all you're gonna need is your computer obviously and we're gonna need a web
browser. Web browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Edge. So any of these
major web browsers will do. And why do we need a browser? We need the browser
because each of these browsers has included a JavaScript console. So it's
very convenient for us to jump right into it right away. So here I have some, I
have Firefox, I have Chrome and Safari here open and I'll show you how to open
the web console. Okay? So for each of these browsers I'm gonna show you how to
open the web console. If you already know how to do this, you can skip this part of
the video. Okay? So let's start with Firefox. So here I'm in Firefox. Okay? So
I'm using Firefox Quantum version 61. All you have to do is if you want to go by
click, you can click on Tools, Web Developer and then Web Console. The hot
key is, in my case for Mac, is Option Command K. So if you type Option Command
K, there appears the web console here and we can type our commands here at the
bottom. Now let's do it for Chrome. I'm gonna open up Chrome. Here's my Chrome
window. Like in the same way for Chrome, in my case I can click View, Developer and
then I can see there's a JavaScript console option. You can click that. The
hot key by the way is Command Option J for Mac. Command Option J, bring it up,
Command Option J, close it. Okay? So you can type the commands here. Now for Safari,
since I'm on Mac, it's a little bit, we got to do a little extra
strap because it does not have the console enabled by default. So all you have
to do for Safari is you go to the Preferences, click on the Safari menu,
Preferences and Advanced and then at the bottom of the Advanced tab, you have to
select Show Develop Menu and Menu bar and that will allow you to see the
Develop Menu up there. If you go up there, in my case between bookmarks and
window, I'm using Safari 11.1.2 by the way. You can click Develop and it will
bring up a menu and you can just click Show JavaScript Console. The hot key is
Command Option C. Command Option C brings up the console in Safari and you
can type the commands here at the bottom. Okay? So we learned how to open up the
browser console and that's our very first step into learning JavaScript into
the world of JavaScript. Okay? So I will see you in the next video when we
start with our first JavaScript statement. So first command. See you then.