Lesson 07
Dispatching FETCH_FRUITS_REQUESTED Using an Action Creator - Redux Saga Tutorial
# Summary of Action Creator Implementation Lesson
In this lesson, the process of creating an action creator to dispatch the `fetch fruits requested` action is explained. Below are the key steps and concepts covered:
## Steps to Create Action Creator:
1. **File Setup**:
- Create a new file called `actions.js` under the `src` directory.
2. **Action Creator Definition**:
- Define the action creator function `fetch fruits` that will return an action object containing a type property (e.g., `type: 'FETCH_FRUITS_REQUESTED'`).
- Export the action creator function.
3. **Using `mapDispatchToProps`**:
- In the component, use `mapDispatchToProps` to automatically dispatch the returned action when `fetch fruits` is called.
- The function will be added as a prop to the component using ES6 shorthand.
4. **Connecting to the Reducer**:
- In the reducer file, log actions to the console to confirm they are being dispatched correctly.
- Optionally log the current state to inspect it.
5. **Initial State Handling**:
- Suggest removing hard-coded fruits from the initial state in the reducer to indicate that no request has been made yet. The initial state can be set as an empty list or `null`.
6. **Loading State**:
- In the component, implement a loading message that displays when the fruits data is not yet available (i.e., before the request has been made).
7. **Future Work**:
- The next steps will involve making the API request to fetch fruits and handling success and error actions accordingly.
## Conclusion
By following these steps, the action creator is integrated into the application, enhancing its ability to manage state effectively using Redux. The lesson encourages further exploration of error handling and loading states in the next session.
Video Transcript
Welcome back. In this lesson we're going to make an action creator to dispatch the
action fetch fruits requested. So let's get started. Let's create a new flyer
here called actions.js under the src directory. So let's create an action
creator to send to dispatch that action that we did here in the component
did mount. So we don't want to do this props dispatch here instead we just want
to call like so we're going to do this prop dot fetch fruits. We just want to
call this function here that's going to be an action creator a bound action
creator by the way. So let's go to actions.js I'm gonna cut this here from
here and then place it into actions. Now we're going to make a function here
let's call this function fetch fruits. Now this function is going to be simply a
function that returns an action. An action is just a plain object with a
type property and option the other stuff like a payload. So just as we're going to
cut this guy here just going to return it. Okay we don't have to do this
batch in this case because what we're going to do is we get this guy don't
forget to export by the way and I'm just going to leave the actions like a
string like so typically in the working production in a real world it would put
this guy into a constant all the kind of stuff but I just keep things simple I'm
just going to leave it as a string. So that this batch is going to be
automatically called with this action here that's returned from this action
creator if we go here in the app and go down there and we add to the connect a
second argue called the map dispatch to props. Now this map dispatch to props
that you define right here map dispatch to props we're going to simply return
going to be simply an object okay and doesn't read it's just an object not a
function in this case so we can have bound action creators that automatically
when you call there call them dispatch is going to be called with their return
return action so we're going to first do the following we take this guy we
import it from app.js up there you do an import forget the braces fetch fruits
from actions dot slash actions now we take this guy and we have to somehow
inject it in app to do that indirectly using map dispatch to props so we put
fetch fruits here this prop inside the app is going to be referring to fresh
fruits that was imported okay this imported function is going to be called
fetch fruits inside the app as a prop now since the property name and the
property value is the same using ES6 shorthand you can do just like so now
this guy is going to appear as a prop inside app and then we can call it like
so but when we call it right it's going to do what well this function simply
returns an object but we have to dispatch this action so it's going to be
dispatch is going to be automatically called for us because we're using the
map state map dispatch to props in this manner okay so it's called the bound
action creator if you want to know more about it in the Redux documentation
anyway with that we can verify that the action is being called doing like
following let's say this file then we're going to go to the reducer file
reducer.js and what we're gonna do here is the following here inside the
definition for the reducer we're going to make a console log and then we're
going to console log the action. Let me just say something here an action was
dispatched just this message so we know okay so we got an action in this root
reducer right if you want to get access to the state here you can also do so
you know console log let me do another one just so you're curious current state is
your map state is state let me put it here great now before we move on I also
would like to remove this these fruits from the initial state actually I'll
leave that for later okay so let's hold up on that for a little bit leave it
there we just want to know if the action is being called so let's get save
everything now let's go back to our browser where the app is running let's
open the console what's going on web console sorry so I'm gonna clear and
restart refresh so you can see there's some console logs here an action was
dispatched and then the action now redux dispatches some action in the
initialization it seems but we don't really care about that current app state
is this we should see the initial state has three objects that's correct for
now and then if you look at it it's going to be the this web props of the app
you can see that patch fruits now appears as a prop for the app component and
it says a function by an action creator you see it's a bound action creator okay
and then we have an action was dispatched because in the component did
now remember of object of type that fruits requested so we got it so it's
working fine the action is being dispatched with the type of that fruits
requested that's great so we're good for now all right so let's get back to our
code so so let's get started hooking up the initial state and then work out all
the other stuff so let's continue here let's first remove out this hard coded
fruits from the initial state of the reducer because we don't have any fruits
you can either put an empty list or you can put no to signify you have not you
haven't made any requests yet so there's no fruits it's up you to choose which
one if you choose to use a empty list there won't be any problem in the app.js
if you can see here but if you choose no it's gonna have some issues right because
props.frutes and snow and you're trying to map over a no value and that's not
possible I kind of like that because I can see that haven't made the request so I
can indicate that still in the loading state here let me put you can do it for
fruit list or from app I'm gonna do it from app up to you so let me put
something here so I'm gonna in the app.component I'm gonna put an if
statement right here saying if props this.props.frutes you can say like so
if it's not defined if it's undefined or no or falsely value right we're gonna
return a div with a loading message loading list I'm say loading fruit list
three dots let's see what we get
so it's always gonna be like that forever even though we made a we then
made it in regress right so you can figure out your own way of dealing with
loading messages and with errors anyway so that's that so I leave it as no
in the reducer and I put a check here and just return the loading message in
case fruits not defined auto because we cannot map over a no value
so what's left to do is we already dispatched the action patch fruits using
the action creator it's gonna dispatch the action patch fruits requested
remember that we have to make the request we're gonna go call find all and
then on success you have to dispatch yet another action succeeded so we can
update the application state right if there's an error you have to send them
action dispatch the action patch fruits failed with an error message so let's do
that in the next lesson how about that see you then
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